
Showing posts from June, 2020


FATHER You are behind every carefully checked step of my life, Along with my mother who is your wife. Without your help I was not able to work rife, And my life would resemble cutting pebble with blunt knife. Every step of mind is under the supervision of your eyes, While taking decisions,  you are so wise. Following your advice , My performance subsequently rise. You fulfilled every requirement of mine, Even before it was demanded my cine. You provided me healthy, delicious meal even before you dine, For me you have made everything fine. I am so glad, By God's grace, to have such a great dad.  In your presence, no one can feel sad,  And what you want from me is just a tad. Now it's time to make you feel proud,  That's all my inner voice saying so loud. And also in a peaceful, royal place away from huge crowd,  After all, making a confidently, relaxed rout. -Sahaj Sabharwal   ( Author of Book "Poems by Sahaj Sabharwal" ) -Jammu city,  Jammu and Kashmir, India . ©A


ALCOHOL AND YOUTH   Today is a world full of stress and tension. In this new world, just the person who do hardwork and struggle,  achieve success. Without hardwork, no one can succeed in his/her life. But when a person is having so much stress, he feels like depression and to avoid this he take liquor including harmful alcohol. Now a days , even youth is becoming prey of peer pressure and do such wrong things and then at last the end is very bad. Parents always give good morals and help them learn good habits only but the most important thing is the society with which a person grow up. The environment must be clean and safe so that in the growing age the child dont try any kind of bad values. When a child grows up, the focus of parents must be on giving good habits, especially teenagers.  Along with studies, under peer pressure,  they are forced to do such illegal things ie. take drugs, wine and cigarettes.  The company which a child gets, matters the most. That's why, the beat wa


COVID19:  CAN SURGICAL MASKS OR RESPIRATORS PREVENT CORONA VIRUS ? The world is suffering from the deadly i nfection of Coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the infection as ‘pandemic’. The early symptoms of this deadly infection are high fever, shortness of breath, tiredness and dry cough. So, the entire world is under lockdown to break the chain of COVID-19 with certain precautionary steps is to be ensured. The contemporary ways to sanitize oneself is the 20 seconds formulae of hand wash or using disinfectant containing at least 60% alcohol, avoid touching surfaces and handshakes and no unnecessary contacts. The use of mask and covering face using napkin or elbow while coughing and disposing the napkin would add an added advantage. We all know that sanitizer containing good quality alcohol can kill most of the germs, bacteria and viruses including fatal Coronavirus . In a research, it was found that the Coronavirus can survive for 3 days (72 hours approx.) on